I believe in the power of storytelling

so here’s a little bit about my story!

I trained and worked as a stage manager, coordinating large teams of designers, technicians, and performers. I oversaw the consolidation of radically different ideas into cohesive design, while being the voice for the human element - the performers - and their needs and expectations. This would grow into one of the essential elements of my design philosophy:

Provide a voice for those that are not in the room.

I kicked off my design journey as a Costume Designer, blending historical know-how with a love for getting things just right. I excelled at mixing a director's vision with the nitty-gritty of costs and timelines. I honed my skill at figuring out what we could realistically pull off in a tight spot and communicating with my team so everyone was on the same page. Ruthlessly prioritizing means the project gets done effectively - getting the maximum amount of progress on the minimum amount of features means making progress.

I think the most exciting thing about UX design is the opportunity to design creatively within constraints - not just constraints imposed by designers or clients, but by the human factor and human expectation.

Asking the question “what must we do” will always lead us to “what CAN we do?”

So what do you want to do, Jenna?

Great question! I’m passionate about people-centered products, and am most drawn to work integrating UX design into in-person experiences. I adore working with teams (including already established ones), and with brands, services, and products that already have some meat on their bones! While I’m happy to join the race at the starting line, I truly find joy in hopping on an already-moving train and helping to find the most effective ways to keep the train rolling and pointed in the right direction!